Speed Optimization


Speed Optimization

Speed optimization is one of the top five important factors in the website ranking by Google. GTMetrix website helps to investigate other websites to find bottlenecks leading to slow speed of the website. In the following, we categorize all factors into three sections.

Technical SEO Factors


Server-side Optimization

Leveraging Browser Caching

This involves storing static content, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript and images, locally in the user’s browser and setting expiry time for certain types of files. We configure Cache-Control and Expiry header on your website.

Enabling Keep-Alive

By enabling keep-alive we speed up your website.

Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)

To facilitate all your users across the globe and to run your website faster, we introduce you to the best CDN and configure all feature of the CDN.

Enable GZIP Compression

Compressing all types of data drastically reduces size of pages and increase page load speed.


Content Optimization

Minifing HTML/CSS/JavaScript

To reduce the transmission time of HTML/CSS/JavaScript code between server and client, one solution is to compact HTML/CSS/JavaScript code on server.

Minimizing & Removing Redirects

When a page causes another page to load instead, the redirects happen and hurts your page speed. We know redirect mapper tools to catch and minimize all redirects.

Avoid Bad Requests

Requesting a resource that does not exist will slow down your website. We strongly recommend solving broken links.


Image Optimization

Optimizing Images

Take care to always have the best image sizes and appropriate image format.

Specifying Image Dimensions

Faster rendering is possible by specifying explicitly image dimensions, because the browser does layout the page before downloading the images.

Serving Scaled Images

The size of all images is defined in CSS and HTML. A scaled image is an image with the size defined in CSS/HTML.


CSS/JavaScript Optimization

Deferring Loading & Parsing of JavaScript

To cut-down the initial load time of a web page, one time-effective solution is to postpone parsing of not required JavaScript code as late as it needs to be executed.

Optimizing the Order of Styles & Scripts

Placing correctly the external stylesheets(CSS) before the external scripts speeds up browser rendering time.

Inlining Small CSS/JavaScript

Putting small external CSS/JavaScript files into HTML file reduces the amount of files the browser has to download.